Pay it Forward!

When you donate to Fermat’s you are making it possible for others (and yourself) to see free theater. We have the costs every theater company has – venue, sets, costumes, posters, etc. By contributing you are ensuring that the next show we do will also be free. It’s easy – and donations of any amount are welcome.

Fermat’s is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit so 30% of individual donations are tax exempt – if you wish to donate from a family trust or foundation things are a bit more complicated, so contact us via email.

PayPal & Credit cards – make a contribution to our PayPal account using the button at right (or below on mobile).  We are now taking credit card donations as well.

Facebook Fundraisers – For our first four summer shows we did a spring Kickstarter.  Now that we are doing works year round we have moved to Facebook Fundraisers – watch our Facebook page for news and we may try GoFundMe as well.

Become a member or patron  – Fermat’s does not charge admission or sell tickets to any of our performances. We use the model of public radio – we make theater available to everyone, and ask those who value and support our work to make a contribution. We have several member/donor levels. Members can give at the $10/year level (students & low income workers), or $25 or $50/year for a standard membership. Patrons we ask to make a minimum contribution of $100 for individuals or $150 per couple/year.

How you can give – Paypal donations can be made to fermatstheatermadison(at) – checks can be made out to Fermat’s Last Theater and sent to 3113 View Road, Madison WI 53711.

Thank you!