Eugene V. Debs – A Graphic Biography by Paul Buhle and Steve Max, illustrated by Norm Van Sciver

Historian Paul Buhle relates the history of America’s most important and popular socialist and adds some personal thoughts about socialism and the 2016 and 2020 elections.  Paul received his PhD in History from UW-Madison and was senior lecturer at Brown University for many years.  He has written or edited some 40 books and is the authorized biographer of Trinidadian historian, journalist and socialist CLR James.  Paul is also the most prolific historian of the intersection of radical politics and the arts (Radical Hollywood is but one of his many books in this area).  He has worked on graphic biographies of Herbert Marcuse, Rosa Luxemburg, and FDR and the New Deal.  Portrait of Paul is by Steve Chappell.

This is, we hope, the first of several conversations with him.

Thanks to the Madison Arts Commission for help with funding our Podcast Project.

Suggestions for further reading (the short list):

Ginger Ray. The Bending Cross: A Biography of Eugene Victor Debs. Rutgers University Press, 1949.

Freeberg, Ernest. Democracy’s Prisoner: Eugene V. Debs, The Great War and the Right to Dissent.  Harvard Univ. Press 2008.

Salvatore, Nick.  Eugene V. Debs, Citizen and Socialist.  University of Illinois Press, 2nd edition, 2007.

Buhle, Mari Jo, Paul Buhle, and Dan Georgakas, eds, Encyclopedia of the American Left. 2nd edition.  Oxford Univ. Press, 1998.



Eugene V Debs – A Graphic Biography
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