Steve Tomasko doesn’t fish as much, walk in the woods enough, or write as often as he should. At some point, Steve’s background in biology collided (hybridized?) with his long-time love of words, which is why nature and science often inhabit his poems. His first chapbook, “and no spiders were harmed” was published by Red Bird Chapbooks in 2015. Not finding himself writing much the last couple years, Steve has put his time into publishing others’ poetry and doing graphic design. Find out more at:

Jeanie Tomasko is the author of a few books of poetry, first of which was Tricks of Light (Parallel Press), and most recently, from Red Bird Chapbooks, dear little fist. You can find all of her books published in between on her website, including three poetry/art collaborative works she put together with her friend, Sharon Auberle. She works as a home health nurse in Madison, WI and messes about with watercolors whenever she can. She and Steve share a home with two overstuffed cats.

Poems from Jeanie and Steve Tomasko
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